This repository will contain all the required Terraform for building the AWS EC2 instance, as well as files that will be needed for the completion of the tutorial.
Once the code has been cloned, you’ll need to navigate to the calisti-tutorial-sample-code/terraform/terraform.tfvars
file and add in the required information that we acquired in the previous step (AWS IAM keys, AWS EC2 keypair name, and EC2 keypair location).
Once this file has been modified to reflect your information, the final piece will be ensuring the region that you have created the EC2 key pair in (and which region you decided to use). The region location is declared at the top of the
Once these changes have been made, move your terminal into the calisti-tutorial-sample-code/terraform
folder, and perform a terraform init
followed by a terraform apply -auto-approve
. (We’re skipping the plan step because we know what will be created.) This process should only take a couple of minutes, and at the end, you should have a successfully built AWS virtual machine (VM). The output at the end of the Terraform run should indicate the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your new AWS EC2 instance, which has been fully updated and had Docker, kubectl
, kind
, caddy
, k9s
, and terraform
installed, as well as the copy of files in the calisti-tutorial-sample-code
folder cloned directly from GitHub.
When the EC2 instance build is completed, there will be output generated by the Terraform configuration. This will print the required SSH command, including the location of the SSH key from the included variables, as well as the FQDN, which is not known until the instance is created. You can copy and paste this command and hit <ENTER>
to connect to the VM.
The goal of these first tasks is to deploy a Kubernetes demo cluster based on kind (Kubernetes in Docker) that will serve as the Kubernetes cluster for Calisti and the included demo application. The included shell script will build a cluster with one control-plane node and four worker nodes, and it is located in the calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/cluster
folder within the EC2 instance.
To instantiate the kind cluster, we will reference the included shell script found at the folder location above. This file, when executed, will build a kind cluster using the 1.23.13 image, wait for the cluster to become fully active, and then install MetalLB within the cluster in Layer 2 mode. (MetalLB enables Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer
to be installed on bare-metal Kubernetes installations.) If you wish to analyze the full cluster creation script, you can view the file by executing cat calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/cluster/
When this shell script is run, you will see output similar to the following:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-66:~/calisti$ bash
Creating cluster "demo1" ...
✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.23.13) 🖼
✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 📦 📦
✓ Writing configuration 📜
✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
✓ Installing CNI 🔌
✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜
Set kubectl context to "kind-demo1"
You can now use your cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-demo1
Have a question, bug, or feature request? Let us know! 🙂
Waiting for metallb to be deployed...
Deploying metallb
namespace/metallb-system created created created created created created created created
serviceaccount/controller created
serviceaccount/speaker created created created created created created created created created
secret/webhook-server-cert created
service/webhook-service created
deployment.apps/controller created
daemonset.apps/speaker created created
Waiting for metallb to be ready...
pod/controller-7967ffcf8-569k6 condition met
pod/speaker-7bhz7 condition met
pod/speaker-fg2ff condition met
pod/speaker-pjd2k condition met
pod/speaker-pmwh4 condition met
pod/speaker-vhrhj condition met created created
To verify that the entire cluster has been bootstrapped and is ready for Calisti installation, you can use a kubectl
command to verify the status of all pods within the cluster:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-66:~/calisti$ kubectl get pods -A
kube-system coredns-64897985d-c7mmd 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system coredns-64897985d-kq2kt 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system etcd-demo1-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kindnet-6z6cm 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kindnet-b88bq 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kindnet-cfj26 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kindnet-k64rq 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kindnet-kpnww 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-apiserver-demo1-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-controller-manager-demo1-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-proxy-5lk8z 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-proxy-8t467 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-proxy-hfwvw 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-proxy-m8c2c 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-proxy-zgkmj 1/1 Running 0 13m
kube-system kube-scheduler-demo1-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 13m
local-path-storage local-path-provisioner-58dc9cd8d9-ss289 1/1 Running 0 13m
metallb-system controller-7967ffcf8-569k6 1/1 Running 0 12m
metallb-system speaker-7bhz7 1/1 Running 0 12m
metallb-system speaker-fg2ff 1/1 Running 0 12m
metallb-system speaker-pjd2k 1/1 Running 0 12m
metallb-system speaker-pmwh4 1/1 Running 0 12m
metallb-system speaker-vhrhj 1/1 Running 0 12m
All pods should be in the running state. Notice that we have a separate Kubernetes namespace created for MetalLB, which was created as part of the cluster build script. We’re now ready to deploy Calisti to the cluster.
In order to install Calisti, you’ll need to create a free Calisti account. Once logged in, click the Connect cluster button, which will take you to a screen that documents the system requirements for the application.
We’re using kind on a large EC2 instance—c5a.8xlarge has 32 vCPU and 64 GB RAM, and we’ve given plenty of GP2 storage to the system as well—so we meet these specs.
Clicking continue will bring you to a screen wherein you’ll enter an installation name and, if required, a proxy server. While this installation method automates a large portion of the Calisti installation into the cluster, we’ll use another method that will allow us to install all features and help ensure that we can access the dashboard on our EC2 instance.
Begin by clicking the Download link for the Calisti CLI file for Linux. This will allow us to install SDM and Service Mesh Manager (SMM) into the cluster, as well as the demo application.
In order to install the demo application and access the Calisti dashboard, we’ll need to copy over the Calisti binaries to our EC2 instance. Ensure that you download the Linux binaries, and then copy them to the EC2 instance using Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).
scp -i {KEY_LOCATION} Downloads/smm_1.12.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz ubuntu@{EC2_FQDN}:.
An example of the above:
scp -i ~/.ssh/qms-keypair.pem Downloads/smm_1.12.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
You’ll then need to decompress and untar the compressed file and ensure that the resulting files are executable:
cd ~
tar xvzf smm__1.12.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x smm supertubes
Next, you’ll need to gather the shell command from here, under 02. Get your Activation Credentials
. Copy the command (an example is given below) and paste it on the terminal of your EC2 instance.
--prefix=smm \
This should provide output similar to the following, and your cluster should now be able to access the SMM repositories.
ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-66:~$ SMM_REGISTRY_PASSWORD={USER_PASSWORD} ./smm activate \
> \
> --prefix=smm \
> --user={USER_STRING}
? Are you sure to use the following context? kind-demo1 (API Server: Yes
✓ Configuring docker image access for Calisti.
✓ If you want to change these settings later, please use the 'registry' and 'activate' commands
Once this step is complete, you can install Calisti, which we will use for the rest of our lab.
./smm install --non-interactive -a --install-sdm -a --additional-cp-settings ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/smm/enable-dashboard-expose.yaml
The output will indicate that it is creating a set of custom resource definitions (CRDs) and then creating Kubernetes deployments in different namespaces. When it is complete, you can perform a kubectl get pods -A
. When all pods are in the Running
state, you can invoke the following command to check the status of the Istio deployment, upon which SMM is built:
./smm istio cluster status -c ~/.kube/demo1.kconf
If everything is deployed correctly, you should see the following output:
logged in as kubernetes-admin
Name Type Provider Regions Version Distribution Status Message
kind-demo1 Local kind [] v1.23.13 KIND Ready
Cluster Name Version Trust Domain Pods Proxies
kind-demo1 sdm-icp-v115x.istio-system 1.15.3 [cluster.local] [istiod-sdm-icp-v115x-7fd5ccc9d9-l2zfq.istio-system] 8/8
kind-demo1 cp-v115x.istio-system 1.15.3 [cluster.local] [istiod-cp-v115x-6bdfb6b4bd-c7qpb.istio-system] 22/22
We’ll now deploy our demo app, which will be installed using the smm
./smm demoapp install --non-interactive
This will take some time. When the command completes, we want to ensure that all pods in the smm-demo
namespace are in the running state.
kubectl get pods -n smm-demo
The output should appear similar to the following:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-14-56:~$ kubectl get pods -n smm-demo
analytics-v1-6c9fd4c7d9-lbq77 2/2 Running 0 43s
bombardier-5f59948978-cdvnw 2/2 Running 0 43s
bookings-v1-6b89b9d965-spgrm 2/2 Running 0 43s
catalog-v1-7dd5b79cf-s2z6s 2/2 Running 0 43s
database-v1-6896cd4b59-kr67p 2/2 Running 0 43s
frontpage-v1-5976b889-jkgqw 2/2 Running 0 43s
movies-v1-9594fff5f-2zm4h 2/2 Running 0 43s
movies-v2-5559c5567c-q8n2s 2/2 Running 0 43s
movies-v3-649b99d977-ttp4j 2/2 Running 0 43s
mysql-669466cc8d-dmg44 2/2 Running 0 42s
notifications-v1-79bc79c89b-zj9xz 2/2 Running 0 42s
payments-v1-547884bfdf-6wpcn 2/2 Running 0 42s
postgresql-768b8dbd7b-khxvs 2/2 Running 0 42s
recommendations-v1-5bdd4cdf5f-cxld2 2/2 Running 0 42s
Finally, we need to expose the Calisti dashboard outside of the cluster. We will accomplish this in two steps. The first step is to determine the IP address of the ingress load-balancer that is deployed as part of Calisti inside of our Kubernetes cluster. The second step is to use Caddy to forward an external port on our EC2 instance to this host port. This is accomplished with the following:
INGRESSIP=$(kubectl get svc smm-ingressgateway-external -n smm-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
caddy reverse-proxy --from :8080 --to ${INGRESSIP}:80 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
We can now access opening a web browser and the FQDN of our EC2 instance on port 8080, like http://{EC2_FQDN};8080
. We can login by generating a token from the smm
CLI via our SSH session, and then pasting that into the web browser and logging in.
./smm login --non-interactive
Once logged in, you will be presented with a dashboard indicating the current state of the smm-demo
namespace. We’re now ready to explore the capabilities of SDM.
Calisti SDM is the deployment tool for setting up and operating production-ready Apache Kafka clusters on Kubernetes, leveraging a cloud-native technology stack. SDM includes Zookeeper, Koperator, Envoy, and many other components hosted in a managed service mesh. All components are automatically installed, configured, and managed in order to operate a production-ready Kafka cluster on Kubernetes.
Some of the important features of SDM are:
Koperator is a core part of Calisti SDM that helps you create a production-ready Apache Kafka cluster on Kubernetes, with scaling, rebalancing, and alerts-based self-healing. While Koperator itself is an open-source project, SDM extends the functionality of Koperator with commercial features—for example, declarative ACL handling, built-in monitoring, and multiple ways of disaster recovery.
Calisti SDM is specifically built to run and manage Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. Other solutions use Kubernetes StatefulSets to run Kafka, but this approach is not really suitable for Kafka. SDM is based on simple Kubernetes resources (Pods, ConfigMaps, and PersistentVolumeClaims), allowing a much more flexible approach that makes it possible to:
When we deployed Calisti, we enabled the SDM feature. Additionally, the demo app that was deployed in a later step includes multiple Kafka brokers as well as several producers (analytics, catalog, and booking services), which push data to a predefined Kafka topic, and one consumer (recommendations service).
Navigate to the TOPOLOGY page. In the NAMESPACES drop-down list in the top-left corner, select the smm-demo
and kafka
namespaces. You will see the traffic between our consumer service and the producers services to the Kafka cluster.
There is an integrated SDM user interface for us to check detailed information of the Apache Kafka CR objects we deployed.
The MENU > TOPICS page shows information about the cluster’s Kafka topics.
When you click a specific topic, the details related to that topic are displayed in the pane that appears on the right side of the window. We can do this for the recommendations-topic
that is present within our app. The details will display information such as offset and size for each of its partitions.
The MENU > BROKERS page shows information about the cluster’s Kafka brokers. In a similar fashion to the topics, if we click a broker, the details related to that broker are displayed in the pane that appears on the right side of the window, such as the number of partitions and log size.
Calisti provides out-of-the box support for mTLS-encrypted communication to the Apache Kafka brokers as well as managing access using access lists. From the client application’s point of view, there is no change required in order to support these features.
Calisti SDM fully automates managed mTLS encryption and authentication. You don’t need to configure your brokers to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) because SDM provides mTLS at the network layer (implemented through a lightweight, managed Istio mesh). All services deployed by SDM—Zookeeper, Koperator, the Kafka cluster, Cruise Control, MirrorMaker 2, and so on—interact with each other using mTLS.
To view the mTLS connections between services, navigate to the Topology view within the Calisti user interface and select the security option in the Edge labels drop-down. Encrypted links will be shown with a closed lock. (Switch back to request rate/throughput at the end.)
Using SDM, you can accomplish two tasks without having to modify your Kafka client libraries or code:
Kafka user to the client applications.The authentication and authorization flow performs the following actions automatically::
into it.<namespace>-<serviceaccount>
. SDM reads the <namespace>-<serviceaccount>
from the TCP stream and uses it as the Kafka principal that represents the client application.By default, Kafka allows all applications to access any topic if no ACL is present.
We will restrict access to Kafka and also configure which authorization strategy we want to use, which is done with the following lines within the Kafka CR:
We can use kubectl patch to apply these changes without having to edit the CR with a text editor. These two settings, among others, are stored in a CR. We will use the following kubectl patch
command to add these settings:
kubectl patch kafkacluster kafka -n kafka --type=merge --patch '{"spec":{"readOnlyConfig":"auto.create.topics.enable=false\noffsets.topic.replication.factor=2\\ncruise.control.metrics.topic.num.partitions=12\ncruise.control.metrics.topic.replication.factor=2\ncruise.control.metrics.topic.min.insync.replicas=1\nsuper.users=User:CN=kafka-default;User:CN=kafka-kafka-operator;User:CN=supertubes-system-supertubes;User:CN=supertubes-system-supertubes-ui\\"}}'
Alternatively, you can directly edit the Kafka cluster CR:
kubectl edit kafkacluster kafka -n kafka
This action will open the Kafka CR inside of a vim
instance. The lines should be added below line 560 in the CR. Unless you are familiar with the operation of vim
, however, it is strongly recommended that you use the patch
Now that the CR has been edited to deny access to producers and consumers by default, we need to create the ACLs that will allow that communication to resume. The ACLs are provided within the ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/demoapp_kafka_acls.yaml
file. For brevity, this file is not included inline, but it can be examined using the following command:
cat ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/demoapp_kafka_acls.yaml
We can use kubectl
to apply the ACL configuration to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/demoapp_kafka_acls.yaml
We’re going to create another service in a dedicated namespace and have it try to access the recommendations-topic
to illustrate the ACLs and access restrictions. We’ll start by creating a new namespace for an app called kcat
and enable that namespace for Istio sidecar injection.
kubectl create ns kcat
smm sidecar-proxy auto-inject on kcat
The following YAML file, located at ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kcat_deploy.yaml
, creates the definition to deploy the kcat
pod. The kcat
application can simulate the behavior of the producer and consumer sending messages to topics.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kcat
- name: kafka-test
image: "edenhill/kcat:1.7.1"
# Just spin & wait forever
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "--" ]
args: [ "while true; do sleep 3000; done;" ]
We’ll deploy this application using kubectl
, but ensure that you include the -n kcat
switch that will deploy the application to the kcat
namespace (and will have an Istio sidecar deployed with the application).
kubectl apply -n kcat -f ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kcat_deploy.yaml
Now that the application is deployed, we need to determine which ports our Kafka Brokers are using.
kubectl get services -n kafka
Once run, you should receive output similar to the following:
kafka-0 ClusterIP <none> 29092/TCP,29093/TCP,9020/TCP 87m
kafka-1 ClusterIP <none> 29092/TCP,29093/TCP,9020/TCP 87m
kafka-all-broker ClusterIP <none> 29092/TCP,29093/TCP 87m
kafka-cruisecontrol-svc ClusterIP <none> 8090/TCP,9020/TCP 86m
kafka-kminion ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 87m
kafka-operator-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9001/TCP 90m
kafka-operator-authproxy ClusterIP <none> 8443/TCP 90m
kafka-operator-operator ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 90m
As you can see, there is a kafka-all-broker
service that binds to Kafka pods on both port 29092/TCP and 29093/TCP. We’ll use these ports to attempt to connect to the broker using our kcat
application deployed earlier. We do this by executing the following command to connect to the shell of the kcat
kubectl exec -n kcat -it kcat sh
Note: You are now on the shell of the
pod. Notice that the shell prompt has changed.
Start the kcat
application by running the following command. This command specifies the broker’s FQDN within the cluster, as well as the port on which we will need to connect. The -C
flag indicates to kcat
to run as a consumer, pulling messages from the recommendations-topic
kcat -b kafka-all-broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092 -C -t recommendations-topic
Because the ACL is in a place that doesn’t allow the kcat
pod to the Kafka messaging broker, you should receive output similar to the following after entering the kcat
command in the shell:
# kcat -b kafka-all-broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092 -C -t recommendations-topic
% ERROR: Topic recommendations-topic error: Broker: Topic authorization failed
Note: Ensure that you enter the
command to return to the shell of your EC2 instance.
To allow kcat
to communicate, let’s add a specific ACL for allowing the kcat
app on the topic. This configuration can be found in ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kcat-acl.yaml
and is shown here:
kind: KafkaACL
app: kcat
name: kcat
namespace: kafka
name: kafka
namespace: kafka
kind: User
name: CN=kcat-default
- name: consumer
- name: recommendations-topic
namespace: kafka
- name: recommendations-group
namespace: kafka
Let’s apply the configuration to the cluster:
kubectl apply -f ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kcat-acl.yaml
If we reconnect to the kcat
pod, it should be possible to access the topic and see the messages:
kubectl exec -n kcat -it kcat sh
Note: You are now on the shell of the
pod. Notice that the shell prompt has changed.
Invoke the kcat
application to connect to the Kafka broker:
kcat -b kafka-all-broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092 -C -t recommendations-topic
The output should be a lot of scrolling messages similar to the following:
Note: Use
to stop the messages from appearing on the screen. However, it may take some time to return you to the shell, depending on how many messages are still queued for display.
Also, you can display the metadata for recommendations-topic
by running the following command:
kcat -b kafka-all-broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092 -L -t recommendations-topic
This action will result in output similar to the following:
Metadata for recommendations-topic (from broker -1: kafka-all-broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092/bootstrap):
2 brokers:
broker 0 at kafka-0.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092 (controller)
broker 1 at kafka-1.kafka.svc.cluster.local:29092
1 topics:
topic "recommendations-topic" with 6 partitions:
partition 0, leader 1, replicas: 1,0, isrs: 1,0
partition 1, leader 0, replicas: 0,1, isrs: 0,1
partition 2, leader 1, replicas: 1,0, isrs: 1,0
partition 3, leader 0, replicas: 0,1, isrs: 0,1
partition 4, leader 1, replicas: 1,0, isrs: 1,0
partition 5, leader 0, replicas: 0,1, isrs: 0,1
Finally, we can remove the ACL from the cluster using the kubectl
kubectl delete -f ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kcat-acl.yaml
Once you start running Apache Kafka in production, an essential task will be managing topics so that producers and consumers can do their work. Usually, you would use one of the Kafka command-line tools to create and manage topics. While it is possible in a Kubernetes environment, it requires a few more steps, such as:
While everything is fine with this approach, it is more difficult to reproduce a setup in disaster recovery or when standing up another (test) environment to mirror production.
Instead of connecting to specific brokers to create a new topic, we can use the kubectl
CLI. Here, we create a new topic declaratively using YAML. The advantage of this is that we can let Calisti do the heavy lifting of creating the topics within the pods; we simply define our configuration changes in YAML, which can be stored in a version control system for use or reference later.
Let’s define a new Kafka topic using YAML. This configuration is located within ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kafka_topic.yaml
and is defined below. We can use the kubectl
command to deploy this configuration to the cluster.
kind: KafkaTopic
name: my-topic
name: kafka
name: my-topic
partitions: 1
replicationFactor: 1
"": "604800000"
"cleanup.policy": "delete"
kubectl apply -n kafka -f ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kafka_topic.yaml
Note: Ensure that you use the
-n kafka
switch to deploy the configuration to thekafka
We can then use the dashboard to confirm that the topic is present (Navigate using the Menu and then click TOPICS.)
Alternatively, topics can be created in the user interface.
You might notice the config:
key containing additional parameters in the code example above. If the new topic requires different configuration options, please refer to the Kafka documentation.
We are also able to update Kafka topics using kubectl
. Let’s increase the number of partitions to 5.
kubectl patch -n kafka kafkatopic my-topic --patch '{"spec": {"partitions": 5}}' --type=merge
The Calisti user interface reflects the updated setting:
Calisti SDM exposes Cruise Control and Kafka Java Management Extensions (JMX) metrics to Prometheus and acts as a Prometheus Alertmanager. It receives alerts defined in Prometheus and creates actions based on Prometheus alert annotations so that it can handle and react to alerts automatically, without having to involve human operators.
There are many situations in which the horizontal scaling of a cluster is impossible. When only one broker is throttling and needs more CPU or requires additional disks (because it handles the most partitions), a StatefulSet-based solution is useless because it does not distinguish between the specifications of replicas. The handling of such a case requires unique broker configurations. If we need to add a new disk to a unique broker, with a StatefulSet-based solution, we waste a lot of disk space (and money). Because it can’t add a disk to a specific broker, the StatefulSet adds one to each replica.
To scale Kafka clusters both up and down gracefully, SDM integrates LinkedIn’s Cruise Control and is configured to react to events. The three default actions are:
Additionally, you can define custom actions.
Let’s apply a policy that will trigger an alert on Prometheus whenever there is a broker that is not working for more than 30 seconds. This configuration is defined in ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kafka_scaling.yaml
kind: PrometheusRule
creationTimestamp: null
prometheus: kafka-rules supertubes
name: kafka-autoscale-rules
namespace: kafka
- name: KafkaAutoscaleRules
- alert: BrokerUnderReplicated
expr: kafka_server_replicamanager_underreplicatedpartitions_value > 0
for: 30s
severity: alert
description: 'broker underreplicated'
summary: 'broker underreplicated'
brokerConfigGroup: 'default'
command: 'upScale'
kubectl apply -f ~/calisti-tutorial-sample-code/calisti/sdm/kafka_scaling.yaml
This policy will result in the deployment of a new broker as soon as the alert is generated in Prometheus.
If we navigate to the BROKERS menu item, we will see that we currently have two brokers within our cluster.
In order to generate an alert, we will need to connect to one of the brokers and stop the Kafka process. We’ll start by connecting to the shell of a broker:
kubectl exec -it -n kafka "$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=kafka -n kafka -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" /bin/bash
Note: You are now on the shell of a Kafka pod within the cluster. Note the shell prompt change.
Then, stop the running Kafka process:
kill -STOP "$(ps -ef | grep '[j]ava' | awk '{print $2}')"
After 2 to 5 minutes, there should be a new Kafka broker being created.
Using the supertubes
utility provided with Calisti, we can also manage the Kafka brokers. We will restart the Kafka process in the broker and then manually remove a broker using supertubes
Let’s connect to the broker terminal shell:
kubectl exec -it -n kafka "$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=kafka -n kafka -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" /bin/bash
Note: You are now on the shell of a Kafka pod within the cluster. Note the shell prompt change.
Restart the Kafka process. You’ll see that we now have three total brokers.
kill -CONT "$(ps -ef | grep '[j]ava' | awk '{print $2}')"
Finally, we can use the supertubes
binary to downscale the number of brokers:
cd ~
./supertubes cluster broker remove --broker-id="$(kubectl get kafkacluster kafka -n kafka -o jsonpath='{.spec.brokers[0].id}')"
This action will generate the following output:
ubuntu@ip-172-31-86-37:~$ ./supertubes cluster broker remove --broker-id="$(kubectl get kafkacluster kafka -n kafka -o jsonpath='{.spec.brokers[0].id}')"
? Are you sure to use the current context? kind-demo1 (API Server: Yes
? Kafka cluster (namespace "kafka"): kafka
2023-06-23T22:51:19.973Z INFO minimum broker count {"count": 2}
2023-06-23T22:51:19.973Z INFO removing brokers {"broker ids": [0], "cluster": "kafka", "namespace": "kafka"}
? Existing resource is not yet managed by us Manage this resource from now on
2023-06-23T22:51:28.184Z INFO configured
The broker-id
is the broker ID number (for example, 0 or 1). It takes 2 to 5 minutes to see the changes reflected in the user interface.
With SDM, adding a new disk to any broker is as easy as changing a CR configuration. Similarly, any broker-specific configuration can be done on a broker-by-broker basis.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the tutorial exploring Calisti SDM and the features it provides for your Kubernetes environment!